
Spurn Bird Observatory Sightings October 2024

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Summary of latest sightings

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Tuesday, 15 October 2024

A clear start to the morning eventually clouded over remainaing so for the rest of the day with a F5 south easterly.  The day saw a good arrival of mainly Thrushes once the cloud rolled in. The days highlight saw a PALLAS'S WARBLER near the lighthouse plius some good totals for grounded migrants with 2 Jack Snipes, 4 Woodcocks, 3 Yellow-browed Warblers, 10 Chiffchaffs, 3 Blackcaps, 272 Song Thrushes, 7850 Redwings, a Mistle Thrush, 342 Blackbirds, 6 Ring Ouzels, a Black Redstart, 9 Stonechats, a Tree Pipit, 72 Bramblings, 31 Siskins and a Snow Bunting. 

Other sightings saw a ringtail Hen Harrier u-turn at the warren, the eclipse drake American Wigeon and Little Stint again on beacon ponds and 11 Swallows head south. 

Ringing: Sparrowhawk 1, Blackbird 7, Song Thrush 4, Redwing 39. 51/4 Watch times: 08:00-12:00, 15:30-17:00

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Monday, 14 October 2024

Another lovely sunny warm day with a light easterly.  There was ulimately little change on the ground but only a trickle of south bound movement. The drake American Wigeon was still on Kilnsea wetlands along with the Garganey, 31 Shovelers, 231 Teal, a Goldeneye and the Little Stint. 

 A female Hawfinch found its way into a net in churchfield, 2 Yellow-browed Warblers in Kilnsea while 3 Coal Tits and 11 Jays wandered the area. 

The best of the vismig concerned a Great Northern Diver, 25 Skylarks, 13 Swallows, 68 Tree Sparrows, 4 Grey Wagtails, 145 Meadow Pipits, 4 Bramblings, 66 Chaffinches, 3 Redpolls, 73 Goldfinches and 32 Reed Buntings. 

Ringing: House Sparrow 1, Tree Sparrow 35, Blue Tit 1, Great Tit 6, Long-tailed Tit 16, Coal Tit 1, Blackcap 1, Goldcrest 1, Cetti's Warbler 1, Song Thrush 2, Redwing 15, Meadow Pipit 8, Wren 6, Starling 3, Dunnock 2, Robin 2, Greenfinch 1, Hawfinch 1, Goldfinch 10, Reed Bunting 2. 115/20. Watches: 07:00 - 11:00

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Sunday, 13 October 2024

A nice sunny mild day with a moderate north westerly.  Highlights from the day saw 6410 Pink-footed Geese, 63 Whooper Swans and 2 Velvet Scoters fly south, 2 Ruddy Shelducks and a good total of 11050 Knot on the Humber, the drake American Wigeon on Kilnsea wetlands, 2 Yellow-browed Warblers at grange farm, a Hawfinch around Kilnsea and a Snow Bunting at the breach. 

Other sightings included a Barnacle Goose with 2400 Pink-footed Geese on Easington straight, a Little Stint on beacon ponds, 3 Jays wandering the area, and a Ring Ouzel and Wheatear at Sammys.

Ringing: Woodpigeon 1, Jay 1, Chiffchaff 3, Blackcap 2, Tree Sparrow 26, Blackbird 3, Redwing 11, Wren 1, Jack Snipe 1, Ringed Plover 1. 49/10 Watch times: 06:45-09:15

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Saturday, 12 October 2024

A cloudy day with a F6 southerly.  In contrast to the previous day there was little on the move for the vismiggers with just 280 Pink-footed Geese, 18 Whooper Swans, 24 Wigeons, a Pintail, single Pochard, a Red-breasted Merganser, 2 Arctic Skuas, 13 Skylarks, 3 Swallows, 28 Meadow Pipits, a Brambling and 64 Linnets. Full counts on Trektellen.

A Hawfinch at yew cottage and a Yellow-browed Warbler at grange farm were the Passerine highlights with just 60 Redwings and a Wheatear other noteable migrants. The drake American Wigeon was still on Kilnsea wetlands along with a Barnacle Geese, 207 Teal, 35 Black-tailed Godwits and a Little Stint

Ringing: Blackcap 1, Goldcrest 2, Song Thrush 1, Redwing 16, Goldfinch 1. 21/5 Watch times: 06:45-10:00, 14:15-16:15

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Friday, 11 October 2024

A predomonantly sunny day with a F4 westerly.  There was some good and variable southerly movement involving a good array of species with 256 Whooper Swans, 5 Stock Doves, 174 Wood Pigeons, 39 Cormorants, a Great White Egret, 15 Jackdaws, 355 Skylarks, 9 Swallows, 14 House Martins, a Mistle Thrush, 25 Tree Sparrows, 4 Grey Wagtails, 7 Alba Wagtails, 665 Meadow Pipits, 4 Rock Pipits, a Brambling, 10 Greenfinches, 177 Linnets, 4 Redpolls, 231 Goldfinches, 8 Siskins and 38 Reed Buntings. There was also some good arrivals which saw 1950 Redwings, 14 Starlings and a Hawfinch head off north west. Other grounded migrants involved a Woodcock, 3 Yellow-browed Warblers, a Lesser Whitethroat, 6 Fieldfares, a Ring Ouzel and 7 Bramblings. 

The drake American Wigeon was still at Kilmsea wetlands along with 123 Wigeon and 167 Teal with a Little Stint still on beacon ponds. 

Ringing: Tree Sparrow 10, Chiffchaff 1, Goldcrest 3, Great Spotted Woodpecker 1, Song Thrush 1, Redwing 22, Wren 3, House Sparrow 1, Brambling 1. 43/9 Watch times: 06:45-11:30, tower watch 15:00-17:15

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Thursday, 10 October 2024

A mainly cloudy day some patches of blue sky allowing the sun to peak through with F6 northerly.  The eclipse drake American Wigeon was still present in beacon ponds today while the same area has the Garganey, 800 Pink-footed Geese, a Spotted Redshank and 2 Little Stints. Migrant numbers decreased today seing just 2 Jack Snipes, a Yellow-browed Warbler, 17 Chiffchaffs, a Siberian Chiffchaff, 5 Blackcaps, a Lesser Whitethroat, single Firecrest, 48 Redwings, 3 Ring Ouzels, 11 Stonechats, 3 Rock Pipits, 7 Siskins and 2 Bramblings. 

The sea had a few bits of note with 3 Red-breasted Merganser, a Red-necked Grebe, 2 Sooty Shearwaters, a Cory's Shearwater, single Manx Shearwater and 112 Gannets while overland 3 Jays, 26 Skylarks, a Grey wagtail and 3 Alba Wagtails were the best of those on the move. Full counts on Trektellen. 

Ringing: Chiffchaff 8, Blackcap 1, Song Thrush 1, Redwing 1, Blackbird 1, Tree Sparrow 4, Wren 1. 17/7 Watch times: 06:45-11:15


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Wednesday, 09 October 2024

Cloudy throughout the day with the odd shower and a strengthening F56 northerly.  The Dusky Warbler was still at the point and the Firecrest remained at kew. Other grounded migrants included a Jack snipe, 5 Yellow-browed Warblers, 20 Chiffchaffs, a Reed Warbler, 20 Blackcaps, 2 Lesser Whitethroats, 29 Goldcrests, 240 Redwings, 11 Fieldfares, a Ring Ouzel, 26 Robins, a Pied Flycatcher, 2 Whinchats, 24 Stonechats and a Brambling.  The drake American Wigeon was again on Kilnsea wetlands with the Garganey on beacon ponds along with 216 Wigeon, 194 Teal, 20 Black-tailed godwits, a Common Sandpiper, 5 Greenshanks and 2 Little Stints, while on the Humber 3 Pale-bellied Brents were with 212 Brent Geese. 

Over the sea a Tufted Duck, 2 Goosanders, 4 Arctic terns, 59 Common Trerns, 14 Little Gulls, 82 Kittiwakes, 27 Arctic Skuas, a Pomarine Skua, 2 Great Skuas, a Puffin, 288 Large Auk sp, 122 Red-throated Divers, 3 Manx Shearwaters and 684 Gannets. 

Watches: 06:45 - 10:00 & 15:00 - 17:00 Ringing: Tree Sparrow 8, Chiffchaff 2, Blackcap 1, Goldcrest 4, Redwing 11, Wren 6, Dunnock 2, Robin 1, Greenfinch 1, Reed Bunting 31, Total 67/10

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Tuesday, 08 October 2024

A cloudy day with a light south easterly.  The Arctic Warbler made a bit of a suprise re-appearance wandering between the narrows to chalk bank while the reported Raddes was actually the Dusky Warbler from the previous day and seen to be ringed so presumably the bird ringed at the warren a few days ago. The showy Barred Warbler was still by the bluebell, an 'Eastern type' Lesser Whitethroat, a Siberian Chiffchaff at the Obs, the Firecrest still at Kew and Ring Ouzel again on vicars lane. Other grounded migrnats included 2 Jack Snipes, 7 Yellow-browed Warblers, 2 Reed Warblers, 2 Lesser Whitethroats, 48 Goldcrests and a Whinchat. The usual drake American Wigeon remained along with the Garganey, 21 Black-tailed Godwits, 6 Greenshanks, a Purple Sandpiper, single Little Stint, 140 Mediterranean Gulls and 3 Short-eared Owls. 

The best of the days vismig saw 7 Jays u-turn with a Great White Egret heading south while over the sea an Arctic tern, 32 Common Terns, 3 Sandwich Terns and a Pomarine Skua

Ringing: Tree Sparrow 9, Goldcrest 13, Firecrest 1, Reed Bunting 31, Yellowhammer 1, Goldfinch 2, Linnet 1, Blue Tit 1, Great Tit 2, Dunnock 1, Blackcap 3, Meadow Pipit 2, Chiffchaff 3, Song Thrush 1, Redwing 1, Wren 2, Robin 1, Reed Warbler 1, Grey Wagtail 1, Yellow-browed Warbler 1. 78/20 Watch times: 06:45-10:00

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Monday, 07 October 2024

A mainly sunny day with a moderate south westerly.  It was a similar story to the previous day though a Dusky Warbler was found at the point by the green beacon and a Richard's Pipit on the south side of the gas terninal while the Barred Warbler continued to show very well and Siberian Chiffchaff in the driftwood to crown area plus a Jack Snipe, 5 Yellow-browed Warblers, 2 Lesser Whitethroats, a Spotted Flycatcher and singles of Redstart and Whinchat. The ponds area was again very busy with 2 Barancle Geese, 484 Pink-footed Geese, the Garganey, 263 Wigeon, the drake American Wigeon, 31 Pintails, 225 Teal, a Common Sandpiper and single Little Stint.  

Some movement saw 2 Whooper Swans, 189 Wigeon, 6 Pintails, 253 Teal, 60 Golden Plovers, 3 Arctic Skuas, a Great White Egret, 2 Hobbies, 32 Skylarks, 108 Swallows, 33 House Martins, 6 Grey Wagtails, 156 Meadow Pipits, 19 Rock Pipits, 11 Siksins and 29 Reed Buntings head south. 

Ringing: Starling 5, Reed Bunting 1, Blackcap 1, Tree Sparrow 1, Wren 1, Chiffchaff 4, Goldcrest 2, Dunnock 2, Redstart 1, Common Snipe 1. 19/10 Watch times: 06:45-10:30

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Sunday, 06 October 2024

Cloudy with the odd glimpse of blue sky and a F5 south easterly.  There was seemingly no sign of the Arctic or Dusky Warblers and less migrants in general the showy Barred Warbler still by the bluebell, 2 'Eastern type' Lesser Whitethroats including the bird ringed at the warren previously along the canal, a Siberian Chiffchaff at driftwood, single Firecrest at Kew and Ring Ouzel on vicars lane with further grounded migrants being a Woodcock, single Jack Snipe, 5 Yellow-browed Warblers, a Willow Warbler, 14 Chiffchaffs, 19 Blackcaps, a Whitethroat, 59 Goldcrests, 2 Spotted Flycatchers, 47 Robins, a Redstart, single Whinchat and 5 Bramblings. In the ponds area there was still the drake American Wigeon, single Garganey, a Spoonbill and 2 Little Stints while on the Humber a Single Ruddy Shelduck remained. 

Ringing: Chiffchaff 1, Blackcap 3, Blackbird 1, Dunnock 1, Starling 8. 14/5

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Saturday, 05 October 2024

A sunny warm day with a light southerly.  The Arctic Warbler remained showing well at the narrows while the Dusky Warbler found its way into a net at the warren the day also producing 3 Barred Warblers (Easington, canal bushes, bluebell) and an 'Eastern type' Lesser Whitethroat at the potato fields. Other migrants included a Jack Snipe, 6 Yellow-browed Warblers, a Willow Warbler, 25 Chiffchaffs, 4 Lesser Whitethroats, 2 Spotted Flycatchers, a Redstart, 3 Whinchats, 4 Wheatears and 2 Bramblings. The eclipse drake American Wigeon wass still on Kilnsea wetlands plus Garganey, 30 Pintails, a Goldeneye, single Common Sandpiper, single Spotted Redshank, 30 Little Egrets and a Great White Egret. On the Humber 2 Ruddy Shelducks were at chalk bank. 

It was a somewhat quieter vismig with standouts being 2 Great White Egrets, a Marsh Harrier, 17 Carrion Crows, 88 Skylarks, 92 Swallows, 18 Alba Wagtails, 259 Meadow Pipits, 41 Rock Pipits, 16 Greenfinches, 201 Linnets, 17 Siskins, 2 Yellowhammers and 31 Reed Buntings. 

Comments: Ringing: Sparrowhawk 1, Woodpigeon 1, Chiffchaff 3, Dusky Warbler 1, Blackcap 3, Tree Sparrow 14, Song Thrush 1, Wren 2, Robin 2, Dunnock 2, Goldcrest 14, Greenfinch 1. 45/12 Watch times: 06:45-10:30

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Friday, 04 October 2024

A nice sunny day with blue skies and light southerlies.  The light winds made it easier to bird but it 'felt' lime there were less birds after a starry night. There was just the single Arctic Warbler present at the narrows plus the Dusky Warbler at the warren, Barred Warbler along seaside road and the Firecrest at the point with additions of a Richard's Pipit in the sheepfield, a Little Bunting at the south end of the canal, 2 Siberian Chiffchaffs (point, Vicars lane), an Eastern Lesser Whitethroat trapped at the warren. There were also a Jack Snipe, 3 Woodcocks, 10 Yellow-browed Warblers, 2 Willow Warblers, 59 Chiffchaffs, 8 Reed Warblers, a Grasshopper warbler, 58 Blackcaps, 2 Lesser Whitethroats, a Whitethroat, 94 Goldcrests, 4 Ring Ouzels, 119 Robins, a Spotted Flycatcher, 2 Wheatears and 7 Bramblings. The American Wigeon and Garganey were both still present in the ponds area along with 2 Little Stints. 

During the day 2810 Pink-footed Geese flew south along with 4 Whooper Swans, 2 Spoonbills, 3 Marsh Harriers, 128 Skylarks, a Sand Martin, 419 Swallows, 9 Dunnocks, 8 Grey Wagtails, 28 Alba Wagtails, 251 Meadow Pipits, 3 Tree Pipits, 9 Rock Pipits, 244 Linnets, 62 Reed Buntings, a Lapland Bunting and male Snow Bunting. 

Ringing: Tree Sparrow 1, Blue Tit 3, Great Tit 2, Goldcrest 14, Chiffchaff 10, Reed Warbler 2, Reed Bunting 9, Robin 11, Stonechat 4, Blackcap 16, Goldfinch 2, Chaffinch 2, Brambling 1, Redwing 3, Song Thrush 3, Wren 8, Dunnock 3, Starling 15, Lesser Whitethroat 2, Yellowhammer 1. 111/20

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Thursday, 03 October 2024

A cloudy start with rain cleared to clear skies and long sunny spells with a moderate north easterly. The 2 Arctic Warblers both remained (narrows, canal hedge), as did the vocal Dusky Warbler elusive at the warren while new birds included a Barred Warbler by easington boat yard, 4 Red-breasted Flycatchers (easington, crown, 2 sykes) and a Firecrest at the point, while still 8 Yellow-browed Warblers around the area. Other grounded migrants 2 Willow Wablers, 27 Chiffchaffs, 20 Blackcaps, 2 Garden Warblers, 3 Lesser Whitethroats, 65 Goldcrests, 45 Song Thrushes, 110 Redwings, 2 Fieldfares, a Ring Ouzel, 3 Spotted Flycatchers, 61 Robins, a Redstart, 2 Whinchats, 4 Wheatears, single Tree Pipit, 22 Bramblings and 6 Siskins. 

The drake American Wigeon remained on Kilnsea wetlands along with a Garganey, single Spotted Redshank, 5 Greenshanks and 2 Little Stints in the general area. 

Watches 0630-0830, 1445-1730 Ringing: Starling 37, House Sparrow 1, Chiffchaff 6, Blackcap 7, Goldcrest 20, Song Thrush 10, Redwing 10, Wren 2, Dunnock 1, Robin 11, Spotted Flycatcher 1, Tree Pipit 1, Stonechat 2, Chaffinch 1, Brambling 6, Goldfinch 3, Greenfinch 1. 120/17

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Wednesday, 02 October 2024

The day strted cloudy with a brisk F7 north easterly slowly decreasing and brightening in the afternoon.  It was a busy day around the area with good totals and plenty on offer as new birds arrived and other goodies remained. Starling with the good birds the day saw 2 ARCTIC WARBLERS (with a new bird at the narrows while the other bird remained in canal hedge), a Corncrake and Dusky Warbler found at the warren, Little Bunting at the point,  2 Red-breasted Flycatchers (crown, greenfield bungalows), a Wryneck by the lighthouse, 2 Lapland Buntings at the breach and presumably the Barred Warbler wandering from the canal to the warren. Up in the ponds area the eclipse drake American Wigeon and juvenile Pallid Harrier were again present.

Other migrant totals were a Jack Snipe, single Woodcock, 9 Yellow-browed Warblers, 4 Willow Warblers, 36 Chiffchaffs, 2 Lesser Whitethroats, a Whitethroat, 103 Goldcrests, 94 Song Thrushes, 450 Redwings, 7 Fieldfares, 6 Ring Ouzels, 3 Spotted Flycatchers, 120 Robins, 5 Redstarts, 4 Whinchats, 23 Stonechats, 6 Wheatears, a Tree Pipit, 15 Bramblings and 28 Chaffinches. 

Ringing: Chiffchaff 1, Blackcap 3, Goldcrest 30, Song Thrush 7, Redwing 18, Wren 2, Robin 27, House Sparrow 1, Chaffinch 1, Brambling 1, Siskin 2. 93/11.

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Tuesday, 01 October 2024

With the wind slowly changing to a more easterly aspect some arrivals are hoped for during the week. In the meantime the Arctic Warbler continued to show down to a couple of metres in canal hedge and the juvenile Pallid Harrier still around Kilnsea wetlands while the Firecrest was still at kew and 4 Yellow-browed Warblers around the area. New birds in included a Garden Warbler, 44 Song Thrushes, 14 Redwings,  2 Ring Ouzels, 3 Spotted Flycatchers, a Red-breasted Flycatcher at cliff farm, a Pied Flycatcher, single Whinchat, a Richard's Pipit at the point, single Tree Pipit, 6 Bramblings, a Common Rosefinch at the point and 47 Siskins. 

There was some good movement which involved 86 Barnacle Geese, 55 Wigeons, a Velvet Scoter, 6 Arctic Terns, 5 Little Gulls, a Great Northern Diver and single Sooty Shearwater.

Watches 0630-1015 Ringing 1 Song Thrush 1/1

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