
Spurn Bird Observatory Sightings February 2025

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Summary of latest sightings

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Thursday, 13 February 2025

Remaining dull, grey and drizzly with overcast skies and a decreasing chilly wind F2 easterly. Watches 0730-1000.  Most of todays sightings were around the wetlands area with a ringtail Hen Harrier, Mediteranean Gull and Short-eared Owl recorded along with 388 Brent Geese, 8 Shovelers, 8 Gadwalls, 424 Wigeon, a Pintail, 2 Goldeneyes, 10 Little Grebes, 94 Black-tailed Godwits and 2 Stonechats. 

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Wednesday, 12 February 2025

The miserable damp weather continues with persistent drizzle driven by the F4 easterly. Watch times: 07:30-10:00.  Despite the weather there was a good selection of interesting sightings starting with the lingering Firecrest still in Easington, an Iceland Gull at beacon ponds, a blogging ringtail Hen Harrier and a Long-eared Owl eating a Blackbird for an hour. Sightings from around the ponds area saw 593 Brent Geese, 8 Shovelers, 8 Gadwalls, 432 Wigeon, a Pintail, 2 Goldeneyes and 139 Black-tailed Godwits while a flock of 22 Fieldfares were in Easington and 5 Stonechats at the lagoons. 

The sea delivered very little again bar a Velvet Scoter, 27 Red-throated Divers and 4 Gannets. 

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Tuesday, 11 February 2025

A cloudy overcast day with freuent long showers and a cold F5 easterly. Watch times: 07:30-10:00, 12:00-12:30.  Not much of a nice day out and about with just 2 Jack Snipes, 13 Snipes and 11 Woodcocks on the ground with 9 Gannets over the sea the only species worth mentioning. 

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Monday, 10 February 2025

Cloudy again with regular showers during the day reducing offshore visibility with the continued F6 easterly. Watches: 07:30-10:00, 14:30-15:30/  THe day saw few sightings returned with the poor weather the best being the 700 Brent Geese still around Kilnsea. 90 Black-tailed Godwits on the wetlands with the sea having 4 Kittiwakes, 162 Large Auks, 43 Red-throated Divers, 26 Fulmars and 81 Gannets. 

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Sunday, 09 February 2025

The gloomy weather continues with the F4 easterly pulling in moisture making for another cloudy and misty day.  There was little change bird wise as the second day of the work party continued in church field with sightings from Kilnsea producing 700 Brent Geese including the leucistic bird, 10 Shovelers, 2 Gadwalls, 415 Wigeon, a Pintail, 83 Teal, 2 Goldeneyes, 46 Lapwings and 110 Black-tailed Godwits mainly from the wetlands while 3 Jack Snipes, 13 Snipe and 3 Woodcocks in the triangle. With poor visibilty the sea produced very little. 

Ringing: Jack Snipe 1.

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Saturday, 08 February 2025

A rather murky day with mist and cloud with the cold F3 easterly again.  There were relatively few sightings during the day with most people busy with the work party maintaining habitat in churchfield but the Firecrest will still again in Easington at greenfield bungalows but no sign of the Waxwing. Around the triangle there were 6 Water Rails, 2 Jack Snipes, 10 Snipe and 6 Woodcocks. Over the sea 2 Velvet Scoters were the pick of the sightings along with 35 Wigeons, 2 Eiders, 4 Common Scoters and 11 Gannets.

Ringing; Woodcock 1, Snipe 1, Robin 1. 

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Friday, 07 February 2025

 A strong F6 easterly throughout the day, with light drizzle showers in afternoon. Watch times: 07:15-12:20, 14:00-14:30.  In a winter with very few sightings in the UK it was nice to get a Waxwing on the yearlist when one appeared at the Obs and then wandered Kilnsea before flying off north. The day was also noticeable for a Firecrest in Greenfield bungalows, Easington which was quite elusive. 

The sea chipped in with 2 Litttle Auks heading north plus 38 Common Scoters, 6 Kittiwakes, 412 Herring Gulls, 249 Large Auks, 220 Guillemots, 18 Fulmars and 85 Gannets. 

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Thursday, 06 February 2025

A lovely winters day with a slight frost to start, with hardly a breath of wind but an increasing easterly in the afternoon. Watch times: 07:30-10:00.  A good total of 44 White-fronted Geese (3 triangle, 41 south) in the area today while also on the move a Marsh Harrier, single Skylark and a Pied Wagtail. 

Other sightings included 76 Pintails and 45 Common Scoters on the Humber, 8 Water Rails and 2 Woodcocks in the triangle, 79 Black-tailed Godwits and a Mediterranean Gull at Kilnsea wetlands, a Merlin at Sammys, Cetti;s warbler still along the canal, 2 Stonechats in the area and a Snow Bunting at chalk bank. 

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Wednesday, 05 February 2025

An overnight frost but dawned to bright sunshine and light winds clouding up later on. Watches 0730-1000.  The 9 White-fronted Geese remained again in the triangle and 700 Brent Geese in fields around Kilnsea while a Pintail was on kilnsea wetlands and 48 Red-throated Divers over the sea.

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Tuesday, 04 February 2025

Gennerally sunny clouding over as the day progressed with a F5 southerpy. Watch times: 07:15-10:00, 10:10-12:00, 14:20-15:40.  The 9 White-fronted Geese were still wandering the area visiting canal scrape and kilnsea wetlands. Otherwise there were few sihgitngs with 3 Woodcocks at sammys, still 3 Water Rails giving themselves up in the triangle and a Great Crested Grebe over the sea. 

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Monday, 03 February 2025

A bright start soon clouded over with a moderate F4 south westerly wind. Watches 0730-1000.  The 9 White-fronted Geese remained in the Kilnsea wetlands area with 2 Pale-bellied Brents among 735 Brent Geese and a nice adult male Hen Harrier was along Easington straight. Further sightings saw a Caspian Gull over the Humber while a decent flock of 3500 Knot off Sammys, a good count of 7 Water Rails around the triangle, a Cetti's Warbler was still along the canal and the Tawny Owl was still at greenfield bungalows. . 

Over the sea the highlight of a quiet seawatch was a Long-tailed Duck heading north plus 5 Shelducks, 2 Gadwalls, 8 Wigeons, 2 Eiders and 4 Common Scoters with a Siskin south overland. 

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Sunday, 02 February 2025

A nice cold winters day with an overnight frost but blue skies and a F4 south westerly. Watches 0730-1000 1430-1600.  There was no sign of the Tundra Bean Goose but the 9 White-fronted Geese were still present on Easington straight. Nearby a Tawny Owl was roosting in a greenfield bungalow garden. Elsewhere 21 Lapwings and 50 Black-tailed Godwits were on Kilnsea wetlands with a Little Owl nearby at grange farm. 

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Saturday, 01 February 2025

Yet again dull and damp with lights south westerly winds.  Watches 0730-1000.  The first day of the month was pretty much a repeat of the last week of January with the Tundra Bean Goose and 9 White-fronted Geese among 137 Greylag Geese on Easington straight. The ponds area returned similar counts to the previous day with 550 Brent Geese, 7 Shovelers, 7 Gadwalls, 440 Wigeon, 91 Teal, 2 Goldeneyes and 10 Little Grebes. A good total of 155 Black-tailed Godwits were by the tank blocks with a Cetti's Warbler still around canal scrape and a Jack Snipe on clubleys. 

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