The Observatory urgently needs the help of the birding community, please read this and help us by objecting to this development
23 October 2014
Sandy beaches caravan site have put in an application to “move” the existing caravan site westwards due to coastal erosion. The new plans show the clubhouse and a number of caravans sited immediately adjacent to our church field, an area we have invested over £50,000 in the last year to improve habitat for wildlife.
The owners previously increased the number of caravans on the existing site without planning consent and have taken several years to remove them despite losing an appeal with the council. We do not know the intentions of the owners, they may be trying to obtain planning and then sell it or be planning to develop it themselves but either way we are very concerned at the prospect of this development which is sure to have a hugely negative impact on the wildlife of Spurn and Kilnsea.
The new site would also have a negative impact on the landscape in the Spurn area with caravans most of the way across the head of the peninsula, and we urge all birders and indeed anyone who loves the wild landscape of Spurn to object to this development.
Please see the following
facebook page with details of the proposal
And please, please, please send an email to the council registering your objection to the development, details are on the facebook page