Securing The Future

Spurn Bird Observatory is truly grateful for the support given by the ‘Friends of Spurn’.

17 September 2018

We want you to know that we don’t take that support for granted and in return we are always striving to provide something special, to make your visits to Spurn more memorable than before. You’ve already been very generous to us, enabling the observatory to purchase new land at Church Field and Corner Field. The habitat in these areas is being actively and thoughtfully managed to provide food and shelter for migrant birds. We are proud to offer ‘Friends’ free access to these areas, where they can venture off the public roads and explore our short trails.

So to enable SBO to continue its development plans at Spurn we would like to set up a land purchase fund, under the heading of Securing the Future. If every ‘Friend of Spurn’ was to donate just £1 a week by Direct Debit, we would within a few years have accumulated a significant sum that we could use to purchase more land.

If you feel you are able to help please foloow the link to our support page where you can find all the details on how to sign up.

Many Thanks

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  • A major supporter & partnerYorkshire Naturalists Union
  • Working alongsideYorkshire Wildlife Trust
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