Discounted accommodation for public transport users

Spurn Bird Observatory is delighted to offer a discounted rate for guests travelling to and from Kilnsea using the Spurn Explorer bus service.

05 June 2024

As of late March 2024, the Spurn Explorer bus service to Kilnsea was reinstated on weekends and bank holidays, until 3rd November.

This is a great service not only for visiting birders, but also the local community and we want to see the service maintained and even extended! So, to celebrate this, we are offering a 20% discount on accommodation rates in our dormitory rooms. Book your accommodation as normal by emailing and give your ticket to the warden or staff who takes your payment.

The discount will be applied per person per night, so whether that just be the Saturday night, or whether its a full week (or more!), the discount will be applied on payment.

Please note, discounts are not available on the private downstairs room.

You can download the timetable here.

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