Virtual Lifer Tin

Continue the tradition of donating each time you see a lifer at Spurn

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"Following the finding of a Pallas's Warbler on 22nd October 1960, P.H.S Wolstenholme and J.M. Butterworth suggested the inauguration of a lifer tin into which visitors to the Observatory may like to put 1p each time they see a species new to them (or the richer observers 3p for rare birds). The contributions to the 'Lifer' tin are used for the purchase of reference books for the Observatory library."

Today, the Obs' library is full and the original Lifer Tin lives in the Common Room at the Observatory. For convenience, we now have this 'Virtual Lifer Tin' online. We welcome you to donate to the Obs' work in celebration of a new species for your life list - do let us know what it was in the form below! Donations will go towards our important work, ensuring more wonderful birds are seen at Spurn into the future! Thank you!


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